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The Sash Company Blog

Where we share all things sash & stole!

The Sash Company Blog

Where we share all things sash & stole!

Ambassador Regalia - Ambassador Jawad

Ambassador Regalia 400w

When the Embassy calls your office to place an order for a sash, it is a true honor. The United States Ambassador, Ambassador Jawad, requested his assistant procure a sash for a high formal event, the Annual Red Cross Ball. It is a night when Crown Nobles and Country Dignitaries come together for a common cause.

The call from the Embassy came after his office had researched sash companies across the globe. There were strict requirements and protocol that needed to be followed in the making of this timeless piece.

The Embassy was confident in the quality, reputation, and attention to detail that The Sash Company has built its reputation on.

Traditionally, Presidential sashes have been bestowed upon inauguration for centuries. The color of the Sash represents their country. Still now, it continues to be honored in the most formal of occasions. Of course, Ambassador Jawad decided to continue the tradition. Ambassador Jawad wore the symbol of his country proudly.

We were honored to create this exquisite sash for the Ambassador’s honored occasion.

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